What Follows If The Papacy Is False?

 Hey, it's been a while. Graduated school, and stopped some of my reading and writing. But I have few thoughts. Hopefully I can get this back up and running again. If not, whatever, a place to jot down some thoughts. 

Suppose that the Catholic doctrine of the Papacy were false. Would it follow that Catholicism is false? Or would it follow that Catholicism isn't the place to be? On one hand, it would seem that the Papacy is one of the core or essential doctrines of the Catholic church, and yeah, to have that be false would seem to falsify the entire institution. But that may be too fast of a move. If it were false, then that would put Catholicism in the same boat as Protestantism. How do I mean? I mean that since Protestant churches do no claim to be infallible, then possibly some part of their doctrine is wrong. And most Protestants would agree that there is SOMETHING about their doctrine that is incorrect, even if they cannot currently identify exactly what that is. It would be something discovered later as they continue to study or something. But, if something about some Protestant church is wrong, just like the Catholic Church, then why would that eliminate the Catholic Church from being a place one chooses to go to? Sure, the Papacy might be incorrect, but so is every other church incorrect on something else. So, it wouldn't follow that the Catholic Church wouldn't still be the best place to be. And if it is the best place to be, in that sense, it would still be the correct place to be. And what would make it the best place to be? It's inherent apostolic succession. So, it doesn't seem like much would follow if the Papacy were false. I don't happen to think it is false, but, it's just an idea to show that Protestantism wouldn't follow if it were. 


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