Dead Memories

Some time ago, I wrote on this blog about a dream I had of a lost friend, and how I woke up crying because I hadn't seen her in so long, and my dream was a fresh reminder of her face. Last night, the same thing happened, but for an ex love of mine. In my dream, I was walking towards class, and I happened to bump into her. I didn't recognize her at first, but details started forming as I continued to talk with her. I told her how happy I was to see her, after not seeing her for too long, even though we had a painful conversation (why did you come here-because I still love you-don't tell me that, I can't bear it-marry me). 

Dreams are shadows of reality. They can make the incoherent coherent. While in real life, I cannot force her to freely love me again (to force something freely is a contradiction), I can make it so in my dreams, and more easily in my imagination. But life too is a shadow of heaven. Contrary to the cynicists, in virtue of our participation in Being, the world we experience is good. Fallen, clearly, but good. And so this life too is only a shadow of a greater reality, that of heaven. In heaven, we truly do love everyone freely. I can only hope we are prepared for it. 


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