There is no single person alive who taught me more about being a Christian than Ariana. This was, on her part, unintended. What I mean is, I have been in so many situations with Ariana where I was tempted to act one way, usually in my own selfish and cruel interest, but chose to do the Christian thing instead. There were many times where I also chose not to reflect Christ in my character, but I matured past that. Paradoxically, leaving her behind thus ending the friendship was perhaps the most Christ-like move in my life so far. To understand, maybe some background would be beneficial. If you’re part of the ICOC, you’ll know what it means when I say that Ariana was my interest, and you’ll understand how serious it was when I tell you she was my first interest, catching my eye maybe two or three months into being a member of the ICOC and she stayed that way for four years. Basically, all my time in the ICOC, and then some. But for those not in the I...