Consequences of #NeverTrump

The most common argument against us in the #NeverTrump movement is that if we do not vote for Trump, then we are voting for Hillary. This is a ridiculous argument. It also follows that if I do not vote for Hillary, then I am voting for Trump. So, which is it? My refusal to vote a vote for which candidate? 

And why is it that when this counter-argument is presented to me, it is done in a sarcastic way? "Have fun electing Hillary then!" "You're going to be so proud when Hillary destroys this country." Why do they insist on lacking grace? Do they layer their arguments with haughtiness and snark to compensate for the lack of thought that went into this? Perhaps. But maybe it is because the gracelessness of the person they are supporting has rubbed off on them. I don't know and I'm not a psychologist. 

But there are two more important philosophical issues that I want to draw attention to. First, it conflates ones choices with its consequences, which are clearly different. For example, if I choose to not deny Christ upon pain of death, I am not directly choosing to die, for that is a mere side effect of my choice, one that I don't particularly wish. This is classically known as the Doctrine of Double-Effect, a well known principle in ethics. This leads to my second point, which is, the person who invokes this argument is reducing one's choices to Consequentialism, a highly dubious system of ethics, and from a Christian point of view, completely false. Sure, we should consider the consequences of our actions, but we should not reduce our choices to their consequences. 


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