2016: The Year of Women

2016 is in the books now. I look back on my life this last year, and if it had a theme, the theme would be "Woman". Women have played a significant role in my life this year. Here are some ways that is. 

It should be noted that the absence of male friends was a thing. A lot of this had to do with the fact that many of them got married and moved away, or got married and had become preoccupied with marital life. Their friends ended up being other married friends. As I'm single, I became distant to a lot of them. That's okay. That's life. 

The biggest presence, numerically anyways, of women in my life happened early in the year when I got promoted and had to supervise about 50 women at my job. Many of them were old enough to be my grandmother, and I'm sure that had some kind of effect on me. Some of them called me their second son, and I was really nice to a lot of them. As I was running the warehouse, I couldn't really have a sick day. If I didn't show up, no one works. And when I showed up sick one day, many of my co-workers brought so many things for me the next day, cough drops, tea, soups and all that, I felt really taken care. I also got feed regularly. It was awesome. 

I finally had my first real significant girlfriend. And I learned how overrated having a girlfriend is. It's way too much work. Also, a friend that I had hopes of being with got married, and I made my objections to the marriage quite vocal. That was a source of a lot of anguish. The most significant woman this year was one whose presence was relatively brief. I had felt the absence of a best friend, and this young woman seemed to fit the bill quite nicely. Smart, curly hair, beautiful smile, well versed in economics and somewhat in theological matters, but still a faithful and unwavering Catholic. She called me her best friend, and I even wrote a blog post about it here. 

A part of why she was so significant was because I know I was so significant to her. Let's just call her Caitlin. That's not her real name, but let's just say it is. She was home schooled, and very sheltered and in a bubble. So much so that I couldn't even meet her at Costco for ice cream because her parents didn't like the idea of her meeting someone they didn't know. But I didn't have a lot of friends, let alone Catholic friends, so I labored to gain their trust. I eventually did, I was a familiar face in their household, I could be alone with her for long nights (since we would attend economic conferences of course!), and I earned the comment from one of Caitlin's siblings that I was very special for having gained so much trust. 

But things got suddenly worse. She had suffered the loss of a close family member around the same time I was entering my relationship with who would eventually be my girlfriend. She asked me to leave her alone, for reasons I didn't really understand, and still don't even though she later tried to explain it to me. After giving her some time to grieve, I took her out to lunch, and explained to her, in casual conversation, about the exciting new relationship I was in, and she didn't take too kindly to the news. The ride taking her back home devolved quickly. I was even called a jerk! 

I've only heard from her once or twice since, when I wished her a Happy Thanksgiving, even though I have tried contacting her since. It genuinely makes me sad. I've lost a lot this year. I lost a girlfriend, I lost a car, I lost a job. But losing her as friend is the loss that hurt the most. I was her best friend. And she was mine. I want it back. 

So, here I am, at the start of 2017. I don't know what to expect. A lot happened last year, and maybe a lot of good will happen this year. Who knows. 


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