
Showing posts from February, 2021

Two Christian Deaths

I want to compare two personalities: Rush Limbaugh and Ravi Zacharias. Both were loved and hated intensely by many people. Both were involved in the public sphere. Both were involved in an arena where emotions can run high. Both wrote books. Both were heard on air. Both had speaking engagements. And both battled with sin. One with sexual perversion, and the other with drugs. But Rush made his sin public, and publicly repented. He left his show, entered rehab, even turned himself in to the authorities, damaging his reputation. Ravi hid his sin, denied it, attempted to destroy peoples lives in order to cover it up, for fear of what it would do to his reputation. We endearingly remember Rush. We now despise Ravi. Be sure that your sin will find you out. My point being: do not fear confession and repentance!

Pro Life Resources

The following is from my friend who posted the following in a group I'm in, and I am copying it here for my readers benefit. He is British, so forgive his spelling.    It's often claimed that it's better to vote for baby killing politicians because they'll actually reduce the number of babies being killed through sex ed, welfare and contraception. As usual, there is a surprising lack of evidence for claims which are taken to be common knowledge, but it's hard to find some of the better resources showing this. Sex ed: Cochrane reviews are very prestigious systematic reviews in the UK which are taken to be pretty much authoritative in Medicine. They have one specifically on schools-based sex ed: They looked at 6 RCTs, with the conclusion that: "In these trials, the educational programmes evaluated had no demonstrable effect on the prevalence of HIV, or other STIs. There was also no apparent effect on the...