Pro Life Resources

The following is from my friend who posted the following in a group I'm in, and I am copying it here for my readers benefit. He is British, so forgive his spelling. 
It's often claimed that it's better to vote for baby killing politicians because they'll actually reduce the number of babies being killed through sex ed, welfare and contraception. As usual, there is a surprising lack of evidence for claims which are taken to be common knowledge, but it's hard to find some of the better resources showing this.
Sex ed:
Cochrane reviews are very prestigious systematic reviews in the UK which are taken to be pretty much authoritative in Medicine. They have one specifically on schools-based sex ed:
They looked at 6 RCTs, with the conclusion that:
"In these trials, the educational programmes evaluated had no demonstrable effect on the prevalence of HIV, or other STIs. There was also no apparent effect on the number of young women who were pregnant at the end of the trial."
There are actually quite a few decent studies on this, but the most helpful summary I've come across so far is Laura Hussey's article ( What Hussey shows is that welfare does indeed reduce the abortion rate, but *only in pro-life states*. In pro-choice states, welfare is associated with an increase in the abortion rate. So those people voting for Democrats in order to reduce the abortion rate are likely increasing it even through welfare alone - let alone through the other promotion of abortion the Democrats offer. Hussey also summarises some of the other research on this topic and points out that there's relatively sparse evidence in other studies that welfare helps reduce abortion rates.
This is the area for which it is hardest to find a proper review of the evidence, but a very good recent paper which summarises a fair amount of it is David Paton, Stephen Bullivant and Juan Soto's paper in Health Economics (
They confirm in this study that sex education mandates don't do anything to reduce the teen pregnancy rate, but also have a pretty good summary of the evidence on contraception, little of which really shows any impact of contraception programmes on unwanted pregnancy rates. On emergency contraception, they cite a systematic review by some of the leading pro-abortion researchers in the US which concludes: "to date, no study has shown that increased access to [EBC] reduces unintended pregnancy or abortion rates on a population level". There's also a Cochrane review which looks at contraceptive promoting interventions ( and finds: "For adolescents who received contraceptive‐promoting interventions, there was little or no difference in the risk of unintended first pregnancy compared to controls."


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