Proverbs Women

I have this friend, call him Fred. Fred is a good friend. Smart guy. I had a lot of people rooting for me to convert him to Catholicism because of our mutual beginnings in a previous protestant society. I would see Fred at Catholic get togethers, BBQ's, Christmas parties, etc. You know, whatever good Christians do. Anyways, Fred got with this girl, and they look like they're enjoying each others company. It's nice to see, because that's something I would like. I thought maybe Fred was doing what is sometimes called a "Dip and Date" where you low key want to baptize (or convert) someone just for the sake of dating them. It does not seem to be working. She, apparently, is a leftist, and has changed him in a mere few months. 

Fred, a brother in the good fight, created a bit of scandal when he posted a photo of himself and his girlfriend at a Gay Pride Parade wearing a tee shirt that read, "Stand With Planned Parenthood". 

I'm heartbroken and this friend will be in my prayers. But it serves me a good reminder, that every relationship is for God's glory. When we feed the hungry and quench the thirsty, when we invite the stranger and gift him clothing, when attend to the sick and to the imprisoned, all these relationships are for God's glory. A relationship that doesn't bring glory to God is a relationship that needs to be reoriented. 

That's easier said than done. Men pursue women. Sometimes, feminists have this distorted notion that men who pursue women are just out for conquer, like some trophy. And surely, some men do. But consider why men generally pursue women. It is because the woman has already captivated the man. The woman has so easily conquered the mans heart, the man has no choice but to try to unite with her. Women shouldn't so easily downplay their conquering abilities. 

Not all conquests are for the better. Surely, my friend Fred is in captivity, and not the good kind. Proverbs attests to these kind of women. We can easily be conquered, but we as men should make sure we are being conquered by women as described at the end of Proverbs, not the beginning. 

And as a man, I have to worry about how I will choose to lead my relationships. Will they be for God's glory, or will you see me looking like Carl the Cuck, supporting Planned Parenthood? I can promise you, with God's good grace, it won't be the latter. 


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