Confirmation Class Review and Stats

The following is a review and analysis of the Catechism/Confirmation class I taught at Holy Innocents. This is mainly for future review and comparison.

Drop out rate

  • I started with 39 boys. 
  • 3 of them did not finish 
  • 8% drop out rate, 92% completion rate 
Assigned work
  • Total class points were 233
  • 8 quizzes were assigned
  • The 8 quizzes were worth a total of 58 points
  • Quizzes were 25% of class points
  • 10 homework assignments were given
  • Homework was worth a total of 155 points
  • Homework was 67% of class points
  • 1 extra credit assignment was given
  • Extra credit was worth 10 points
  • Extra credit was worth a 4% boost
  • 1 report was given
  • Report was worth 20 points
  • Report was 9% of class points
  • Out of 36 boys, 8 earned passing grades. 
  • 1 boy earned an A.
  • 4 earned a B
  • 3 boys earned a C
  • 7 boys earned a D
  • 21 boys earned an F
  • 77.7% failed, while 22.3% passed
  • The mean percentage is 51%
  • Median percentage was 55%
  • Standard deviation is 23
  • Lowest grade was 6%
  • Top quarter earned a 68% or higher
  • Highest grade was 92%
  • The following is a histogram of distributed percentages in increments of 10: 


Results are disappointing. This may or may not be justified relative to the performance of other classes, and I have no data on that. My initial guess was that the boys are too lazy to do homework, but their knowledge of the material would reflect in the quiz scores. This turned out to be the case when I isolated the quiz grades as shown below. 

I also have to take into consideration that the proximity of the boys most likely lead to some cheating on the quizzes, but I don't know how much this affects the data. Also, as the questions were read out to them, they could have cheated just by copying one another. To minimize this, I will write up and print out quizzes but have different versions. I will also try to offer more extra credit worth about a 10% boost, more classwork and less homework, or at least make the quizzes worth more and homework worth less. I'm thinking something like quizzes will be worth 33% instead of 25% of total class grade. I also want to make the report worth more as well. 


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