Convo with Street Preacher on Open Theism

I came across an open air preacher at CSULB. He didn't seem any kind of offensive or distasteful like many others are. I begin to talk to him at the 21:30 mark when he revealed to us that he was an Open Theist. I didn't really communicate what I was trying to communicate all that well. I haven't looked into Open Theism in like five years, so I was extremely rusty. Besides, he seemed kinda friendly, and didn't care so much if I didn't slam-dunk on this point. The point I was trying to articulate was this: God makes promises. These promises are special, infallible, because they are guaranteed. There is no way they could be false. However, in Open Theism, this is not necessarily true. It's possible that some state of events in the future may not occur even if God says they will occur. Perhaps in practice God never makes a mistake in Open Theism, but so long as it is possible, and necessity is a necessary condition for infallibility, then in principle, God could be fallible. So, if God makes a promise to us about something in the future, these promises could not be infallible, and so God is not infallible. God is fallible. This is a radically different conception of God then what orthodox Christianity has taught. And Open Theists recognize this, because of the name itself, it is a kind of theism, Open Theism, that is different than say Classical Theism, which I briefly mentioned in the video. But if Open Theism comes at that price, and he is willing to pay the price, oh well, I guess.


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