Hate The Sin, And The Sinner?

Some people will often say, "Hate the sin, not the sinner." But why? Why can't I hate the sinner as well? 

What I think this slogan is doing, even if unintentionally, is that is it separating the actions from the person, which I think can't be done. If you're doing something bad, you're a bad person. If you do something bad, I make a judgment about you as a person, not some abstract action completely devoid of you. You did that action, that affects your character, and you're more likely to do that action again. Habit's become part of your character. 

It's not like, come judgment day, God throws your sins into hell, but keeps you. No, he throws you into hell. You suffer torment and wrath, your actions don't suffer torment and wrath. I might hear, "Oh, but God is a God of love." Yeah, and he's a God of hate too. The wrath God poured upon his Son ought to have gone to you. That wrath is very real and was inflicted upon a very real person. God doesn't just hate your sins, he hates you.
The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You hate all who do wrong; - Psalm 5:5
Yes, God is love, but this is not inconsistent with love. Love wills the good for another. In order for hate to be contradictory to love, hate has to be defined as not willing the good for another. But that's not clear or obvious. There's a strong antagonistic feeling we usually express when we colloquially use the word "hate." But what then is indifference? Indifference, as it applies to relationships among persons, does not will the good (or bad) of a person. That's more contradictory to love. I think we would recognize a difference between hatred and indifference.

What is hatred, then? I have no idea. LOL I'm not sure it has to do much with a will, but an attitude or an emotional state towards a person. So, it's not contradictory to love, and it's consistent.


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