The Non-Equality of Sexual Orientation
For whatever reason, I've had a lot of dialogue with people who can be generally identified as White Supremacists. They tend to be Catholic Radical Traditionalists, unfortunately, and have this strange fervor for Donald Trump. A part of their philosophy (if it can be dignified by being called such) is that the races, whatever that may mean, should not mix. They justify this by saying it is a preservation of European culture, but of course, European culture, which is Western civilization called Christendom, has no ties to any skin color. These are accidental features. If they mean they prefer people of the same race, that would be fine. In fact, I might even agree with that. I've written before why people tend to marry within their same age group, and I would extend that to class, intelligence, and race. I don't mean we should limit ourselves, but if we have preferences, then we are allowed to act on that.
But what if someone said, "I won't date any non-white girl"? If you get a feeling that this is borderline racism, then you may be justified in thinking so. And we would recognize this as something immoral, because of his limits. If this is so, then this is a counter -argument to the view that all sexual orientations are equal, and the view that all sexual orientations are the same and should not be changed, especially in regards to homosexuality, is certainly a prevailing view in college, if not in the rest of the U.S. So, if we say that this man should change, or if you believe that there is something wrong with his preferring only others in his race, then you deny the idea that all sexual orientations are equal. And if you do that, you are going to have to make proper distinctions, which might be done, but certainly won't be comfortable for he who needs to untangle this mess.
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